The Mike’s Macujo Method book is the perfect thing if you have an upcoming hair follicle drugs test that you aren’t confident about passing.
Mike, the author of this handy little guidebook, is passionate about helping those with previous drug use problems to get back to work. This book talks about the reasons that certain employers may ask for a hair follicle drug test prior to employing a member of staff. It also prepares readers for how the drug test is conducted and exactly what to expect.
The conversational tone and light-hearted mood of the book really work to put the readers at ease and make this usually taboo topic feel completely normal.
The book goes into the Mike’s Macujo method and how this differs from the standard Macujo Method. The 95% success rate speaks for itself, and the helpful step-by-step guide takes readers through the exact method of creating the shampoo and how to use it.
Each ingredient for the Macujo Method is listed separately, where the book explains exactly why it would be needed and provides an image of the product to make it easier to find on the shelves.
Once you’ve got the shampoo geared up and ready, there’s a tailored guide to take you through the basics of Mike’s Macujo method, how it works and how often you’d need to use it in the run-up to your test based on the types of drugs you use, how frequently, and how much.
There are even those extra little bits of information for people who are concerned about baldness and the selection of hair from other areas of the body and for people with beards and other body hair. The last FAQ section ties up all the loose ends and provides extra information on anything that’s been missed.
The one thing that makes this little book truly stand out from the crowd is the author’s information. Mike provides the link to his website and his actual contact information. This means that you can get professional advice that’s tailored to your exact situation to put your mind at rest.
An amazingly supportive book for a common issue that people avoid talking about.
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